Can it be this simple?
I have one less key on my key ring. Two weeks ago I left my full time job as a Creative Director to start Pabs & Co, and today I returned my old office key. This new venture is all about keeping it simple, and if the number of my keys is any indication, I'm on the right track.
I am currently reading 'Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success', by Ken Segall. I've been a big Apple fan since my first Macintosh (8Mb RAM seemed awesome back then!). I have always enjoyed Apple's ability to deliver simple-to-use products, marketing that is both relatable and aspirational, and design that is ground-breaking in its purity. Throughout Ken's book, he refers to everything at Apple being measured against 'Steve's Simple Stick'. "The Simple Stick symbolises a core value at Apple – a reminder of what sets Apple apart from other technology companies and what makes Apple stand out in a complicated world: a deep, almost religious belief in the power of Simplicity". I can relate.
With Pabs & Co, I distill many years of advertising and design experience into one simple value proposition: genuine creative. Pabs & Co is about delivering quality, while being efficient, flexible, affordable and true. I listen to what my clients say, then do what is needed. This reflects my simplified, or purified outlook.
I have unlocked a new chapter in my story, and I'm going to enjoy the ride – I hope you will too.